Title of Post: How to transfer widget/gadget into Google Blog
Body of Blogger: List title of blog (see above, bold it, then underline it)
How to transfer widget/gadget into Google Blog
1. An example of one page you could use to pull widget/gadgets from is http://www.widgetbox.com
*List all steps of procedure, making sure ANYONE could pick up your directions and be able to correctly add widget/gadget to their Google Blog! You may have five steps, some may have 10. As long as you can list specifically how you do this, you have completed the assignment.
You were also asked today (or by the end of class on Friday, August 30) to link my page with yours so I can access it to evaluate your progress on your blog page. Reminder to all students that you have been asked NOT to use your CJHS blog as a social network (IE: post comments on friends page, "talk" to friends using your CJHS page). A blog is a form of social media, but for us, it's not be used as a "chat" room. I adore all of you, however, there is a time and place for that and it's not on our blog page where we are posting assignments, or sharing new and exciting developments in educational technology.