Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nomadic Education

Nomadic Education

Minecraft Character Quiz

Minecraft Character Quiz - Which Minecraft Character are You?

Minecraft Personality Quiz

Minecraft Personality Quiz!

Black Death Song!

Black Death - Hollaback Song!

Frendly Letter: Black Death

Your assignment this week is to answer questions (pertaining to the Black Death), then create a friendly letter, writing either to a friend or relative in a near by village or town, warning them of the Black Death and explaining what is happening.  You may be as creative as you wish!  Name this Blog:  Friendly Letter

Blog 4: Ten Facts about Black Plague

Find ten facts about the Black Plague and post them to your blog.  Name this blog, Blog 4:  Black Death.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog #3: What does Veteran's Day Mean to Me?

Veteran's Day to me is the ultimate price and sacrifice of freedom.  It means that many men and women who didn't even know me, gave their lives for me, or time away from their families for me.  Veteran's Day means me continuing to search for family history of my ancestors who served in wars for me.  That's what Veteran's Day means to me.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is used to create safe, secure, and ethical uses of the internet.

Who is a Good Citizen?
Someone who models good practice on the internet and that knows how to be safe online by following rules and other guidelines.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Read: Note to Students

You were also asked today (or by the end of class on Friday, August 30) to link my page with yours so I can access it to evaluate your progress on your blog page. Reminder to all students that you have been asked NOT to use your CJHS blog as a social network (IE: post comments on friends page, "talk" to friends using your CJHS page). A blog is a form of social media, but for us, it's not be used as a "chat" room. I adore all of you, however, there is a time and place for that and it's not on our blog page where we are posting assignments, or sharing new and exciting developments in educational technology


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog 1: Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics
Ethics:  Doing the right thing when no one is watching.
1.                  Don’t use your computer/tech devices to bully.
2.                 Do not plagiarize other people’s work.
3.                 Do not look at a person’s text messages or emails.
4.                 Do not steal anything online.
5.                 Do not use the computer to spread lies.
6.                 Do not copy software for which you have not paid.
7.                 Do not use other people’s computer resources without authorization.
8.                 Do not upload illegal music/videos.
9.                 Do not write illegal programs.

10.            ***Be considerate and kind – think about others, not just yourself.